Mr tony robinson , managing director of ukip media events says " at present for the show in hamburg , airlines from asia can only afford to send small delegations Ukipmedia & events的董事总经理罗便臣先生( mrtonyrobinson ) ? :亚洲的航空公司碍于资源关系,只能派一至两名行政人员到汉堡出席飞机室内设计及设备展。
Mr tony robinson , managing director of ukip media & events says " at present for the show in hamburg , airlines from asia can only afford to send small delegations Ukipmedia & events的董事总经理罗便臣先生( mrtonyrobinson ) ? :亚洲的航空公司碍于资源关系,只能派一至两名行政人员到汉堡出席飞机室内设计及设备展。